As soon as you register you are immediately entitled to a discount on all our products. With your first purchase of a minimum of €80 you will recive a 10% discount on the total order.
Only Wine Club members can make en primeur purchases of our wines. Purchase our finest wines directly from our e-shop with a 20% discount; Mimesi Sangiovese, Mimesi Vermentino and Nambrot years that are still in the barrel or amphora, and these will be sent to you after two years of maturation.
\nIn addition to being able to book our special products you can have a discount of 20% when you buy.
David Tremlett is a world famous British artist, photographer and sculptor. In 2019 he came to work in Tuscany with the “Via di Mezzo” project backed by the Municipality of Peccioli where he created " Via di Mezzo ”, where he painted an entire street of Ghizzano in various colours. Whilst creating this installation the artist had a chance to get to know the estate and he fell so in love with our wines that he created a label for our Via di Mezzo wine.
\nThis is a pure sangiovese wine vinified in amphora which can only be brought at the estate or in our wine club discounted 10%. The number of bottles is very limited, only 1468 bottles were produced!
Riceverai gratuitamente una newsletter informativa dedicata esclusivamente ai membri di “alla Corte di Ghizzano”. Saremo lieti di comunicarti le date dei prossimi eventi riservati che organizzeremo; inoltre, ti terremo aggiornato sulle ultime offerte dei nostri prodotti riservate ai membri del WineClub.
If you take out a subscription you can have our wines, delivered directly to your door, with special discounts, every six months.
\n\nIn biodynamic agriculture it is very important to follow Maria Thun's lunar calendar to amplify the effect of our "natural" practices in the vineyard and in the cellar and make them more effective. The days of "fruit", "flower" and "root" represent particularly suitable moments for some operations in the field. By naming our subscriptions like this, we liked to let you timidly enter our "biodynamic" world.